From Wyoming Title 40 Chapter 14 Article 1 Section 40-14-106: LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST
40-14-106. Waiver; agreement to forego rights; settlement of claims; legal rate of interest.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this act, a buyer, lessee, or debtor may not waive or agree to forego rights or benefits under this act.
(b) A claim by a buyer, lessee, or debtor against a creditor for an excess charge, other violation of this act, or civil penalty, or a claim against a buyer, lessee, or debtor for default or breach of a duty imposed by this act, if disputed in good faith, may be settled by agreement.
(c) A claim, whether or not disputed, against a buyer, lessee, or debtor may be settled for less value than the amount claimed.
(d) A settlement in which the buyer, lessee, or debtor waives or agrees to forego rights or benefits under this act is invalid if the court as a matter of law finds the settlement to have been unconscionable at the time it was made. The competence of the buyer, lessee, or debtor, any deception or coercion practiced upon him, the nature and extent of the legal advice received by him, and the value of the consideration are relevant to the issue of unconscionability.
(e) If there is no agreement or provision of law for a different rate, the interest of money shall be at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum.
This information may or may not be the full scope of Wyoming’s interest and usury laws. Many States may, from time to time, adjust their statutes pertaining to allowable interest and usury rates as well as exceptions. Be sure to review the Wyoming Interest & Usury statute in its entirety and consult with a relevant attorney if you have any specific questions.
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